
Our head office is surrounded by fjords and mountains in one of the most beautiful natural areas in Norway. That we then take into account both the internal and external environment by choosing good and recyclable materials is a matter of course for us. Below you see a selection of documents that refer to Helland Møbler AS's environmental commitment and certifications.

Helland Møbler - Anti corruption policy

Helland Møbler has a modern production facility where a clean working environment has a high priority. Emissions from production that affect the external and internal environment have been reduced to a minimum. The most commonly used types of wood are birch and oak, laminated and solid wood. Chipboard, plywood and solid wood are used for interior woodwork. All board material, as well as glue and varnish, satisfy the E-1 norm for formaldehyde release. Foam plastic is produced without the use of CFC gas. Environmentally friendly water-based contact adhesive is used for gluing foam plastic. All wooden material is used for heating own premises. The cartons used are produced from recycled raw material. Cardboard, paper, plastic, steel, electrical waste and special waste are sorted and sent for recycling. Other waste is delivered to municipal landfill.

An environmental declaration is a concise document that summarizes the environmental profile of a component, a finished product or a service in a standardized and objective way. The abbreviation EPD is used in both Norwegian and international contexts. EPD stands for Environmental Product Declaration. In our products' environmental declarations, which you will find on each individual product, the environmental impacts will be clearly stated. With the help of documentable and sober information, we want to appear as a responsible producer and supplier.

Ethical guidelines "Code of Conduct".

Helland Møbler AS har benyttet Factlines tjeneste i sin oppfølging av samfunnsansvar og etiske retningslinjer i leverandørkjeden siden 2023. Helland har vedtatt etiske retningslinjer og foretar periodisk kontroll av sine leverandører gjennom egenrapportering og risikoevaluering. 

Laste ned Factlines Diplom

Helland Møbler produces furniture with FSC approved wood. FSC is a global non-profit labeling scheme for wood and paper.

In an FSC forest, no more trees are felled than the forest can reproduce. At the same time, the FSC label is a guarantee that animals and plant life are protected, and that the people who work in the forest are guaranteed education, safety equipment and regular pay conditions.

FSC sertifikat

Helland Møbler AS is certified according to the ISO-14001 standard.
Download ISO14001 Certificate
Download IQNet Certificate

mobelfakta.no is the brand name/logo/furniture brand that says that the manufacturer who uses it is environmentally certified and the furniture that carries it is environmentally declared/documented and quality certified.

Helland Møbler AS is certified according to EU regulations. We use the CO2 equivalent for hydropower.
Download Guarantee of Origin
Download Guarantees of origin

Du finner sertifikat og testrapporter til hvert produkt på www.helland.no. Søk opp ønsket produkt og klikk på fanen Nedlastbare filer. tilgjengelige sertifikat og rapporter for valgt produkt finnes her.

Swan-labelled furniture and fittings meet strict requirements for:
- use of certified wood raw material where at least 70% of the wood must come from certified forestry
- use of recycled plastic and metal
- durability and wear resistance
- possibility of recycling at the end of the useful life
- manufacturer's waste management

Helland is now launching more furniture with the Nordic Ecolabel, and these products are treated with a special water-based varnish. This varnish has a high durability, but we advise against the use of disinfectants as this can shorten the life of the product. In addition, the Nordic Ecolabel will also require that furniture textiles that have either the Eu Ecolabel or the Nordic Ecolabel are used.

The following furniture has the Nordic Ecolabel:
Bo chair, Duun chair, Duun stackable chair, Duun high back chair, Duun seating group 1, 2 and 3 seats, Modus stacking chair, Pan high back chair, Pan chair, Pan seating group 1, 2 and 3 seats, Timeout seating group, Twin chair.

The products are certified by Ecolabelling in Norway under license number 2031 0098.


The transparency act acts as an ethical compass for Norwegian companies, aimed at uncovering and improving negative impacts on human rights and working conditions. It aims to empower consumers, investors and the wider community to make informed choices, while laying the foundations for a more sustainable and fair global economy. Together with other measures, the Act will contribute to Norway's work to meet the UN's sustainability goal no. 8 on decent work and economic growth, as well as responsible consumption and production (goal no. 12). Here you can read our report according to The transparency act. 

Helland Møbler Åpenhetsloven 2024

Helland Møbler Åpenhetsloven 2023