Checklist for furniture purchases at health and care units

Furnishing care unit requires strategic planning. There are many choices to be made, several people must be involved and the decision-makingprocess can extend over a longer period of time. This to-do list summarizes the most important points to consider when furnishing your next health and care project.

► Ergonomics and comfort

The furniture must ensure the user's correct posture and provide comfort, especially during long-term use.

► Customization options

The furniture should be adjustable to adapt to the user's individual needs, such as different seat heights or adjustable back and seat depth.

► Stability and durability

The furniture must be stable, have sturdy armrests and be robust enough to withstand intensive use over time.

► Security

Furniture should have rounded edges, a well-thought-out and functional design and no loose parts that increase the risk of injury.

► Easy to clean

The furniture must be designed to be easy to clean and maintain, and have materials that can withstand frequent disinfection.

► Accessibility

Furniture with sliding wheels, footboards and sliding handles simplify the movement of both the furniture and the resident, and provide increased mobility and functionality.

► Stackable chairs

Furniture with different seat widths or functions such as hanging the chair on the table or stacking them provides flexibility.

► Covers

Removable covers can be removed and washed or replaced, and contribute to easy cleaning and good hygiene. Waterproof covers have a waterproof layer on the underside that protects against liquid penetration.

► Swan label

Swan labeling requires EU Ecolabel or Swan-labeled textiles and surface treatment with water-based varnish.

► Various neck pillows

Offer different types of neck pillows for individual adaptation and support for the neck. 

► Aesthetics and living environment

Choose furniture that contributes positively to the environment in the care unit. Create a safe atmosphere with functional and adapted furniture and pleasant textile choices.    

► Price, budget and investment value

Balance budget constraints with the need for quality and long-term use of the furniture. Quality provides sustainable solutions.

► Supplier quality and after-sales support

Choose a supplier with a good reputation, good customer service, warranty and service arrangements.


We are your trusted partner before, during and after the project is realised. Use our many years of expertise in furnishing healthcare projects.